The Gothard household, ready to receive guests through the main doors.
Each year, our big event is to host a dinner party for family and friends alike, on Christmas Eve. This year, the guest list rounded out at 25. My goal is to create a magical atmosphere in which everyone can relax and revel in one another's company.

Each place setting is designated with a cutout. This year's theme..."The Gothard Circus". Drawger Jos. A. smith sits here.

Our son, dylan, lights the 100 plus candles before the guests arrive.

With everyone in full attendance, the feast begins. Mrs. G, in the left side of this pic, finally gets to relax.

Afterwards, good conversation continues through the night.

Meanwhile the cleanup crew breaks down and our house is restored to , well....it's original chaos.

Post dinner, the kids retreat to the guest room, where they pile onto the couch, and hopefully, another warm memory is established.